Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Hey folks...
I just added a PayPal button on here for those of you that would like to help out financially that way as it's a lot easier to use if you are electronically inclined :)

I am trying to make it financially and am doing ok but at the end of the month I am scraping to get by. The Lord always provides for me and I have been blessed by many of you treating me to yummy dinners and coffees here and there! Thank you so much for that. It seems that my $$ don't last as long here as they did in Thailand. So if you read this and want to help me out I would much appreciate that....really!

I don't hold onto to $$ tightly....so I know it will be provided in the right time and that I'll be taken care of. Thank you to all of you who have remained faithful to help me out as I'm in this time of transitioning. Love to you all.....

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