Thursday, November 1, 2012

Pieces of my heart.......

Saying goodbye to these guys is going to break my heart....but it sure has been a beautiful season! I'm so glad I had the chance to get to know all of these gorgeous lives and be a small part of all of this going on here...... a piece of my heart will remain here....that's just life.... and pieces of each of these lives will remain in me and make me a better person because God is good and just and loving...... 

This is not's just a "see ya soon"..... I'm going to carry on with the dreams God's given me.... I love you and love my little life that God has given me..... thank you to all of you who have made me the richest girl all know who you are.....if you don' should know by now cause you are reading this there.... thank you and I love you to the moon and back.....


Bryan and Kalya said...

We love you. You are our hero. God has richly touched the lives of all you have come in contact with. Kalya and I are that much better for knowing you. We can't wait to see you!

brynmj said...

Kyndra! I bet you are so sad. Reading that brought tears to my eyes, so I'm sure you have had lots of emotions through this season. But I'm glad it's been good. I'm sure it's hard to say bye to everyone! I hope you have a great last few weeks and fun with the Archers! Praying for your transition home. Love you.

Laura B. said...

Kyndra, You're life has obviously been so blessed and you have been an angel to all those beautiful kids. I know they have been blessed by your presence. Must be so hard to leave... just be glad it all happened. love you!