Wednesday, June 15, 2011

spiritual receptivity::

The last time I updated, I wasn't doing amazingly I'm sure you picked up in the tone. These days are getting a lot better. I have a lot to rejoice in and am taking better care of myself. It was pretty heavy for a while and I didn't really see things getting any better...but before I knew it I was getting breaks and the rest that I needed. The kids are all back in school after a long and hot and really crazy weather summer break. We had a good time with them...we got to go swimming, go out to eat, visit some of their home villages, visit some of the staff in their villages, all of the kids got to go to the beach. The had a blast. I think one of the best things for them was that Penny and Paul (directors of Baan Nam Jai) met them there and were going to head back to Chiang Rai with them. WE are so glad to have Penny and Paul back. For those of you who don't know...Penny has cancer...or should I say had...she's in remission after 7-8 months of chemo treatment, lots of tests and lots of rest. It was a great loss for us when she was not here with us...but we are very grateful that she's healthy and back with us again.

I would love to share everything that's been going on in my heart:: I do not want to make you stay too long and get I'll spare you all of the details and just keep it short, sweet and honest. It's been a hard year for me. I've been struggling with where I'm at, what I'm doing, why I'm doing I'm doing it..... such is life eh? I know that it's completely normal and in all of the normality of figuring out what God's asking me to do in this season, I'm finding it hard to get clear answers. So I've been encouraged to rest. I'm taking one day a week to rest, pray, fast, pray some more, do things that are feeding my soul and trying to just be quiet and listen to what God's saying. I covet all of your prayers as I really seek the Lord.

As of late it seems that there's something in the water at Baan Nam Jai and a couple of our staff have gotten married and starting families. So it's been an exciting time of wedding planning and celebrating with them. Also the kids are back in school and getting back into their routines. Belle is now in Highschool! The rest of the kids still walk to the local school. A couple of the girls have just started taking a ballet class on the weekend. So far they are enjoying it as far as I know. Our new addition to the boys home is growing so fast. His name is Non and he came to us back in January. He is such a joy.

I think that's about it..... I hope that puts you up to date.... Please keep me in your prayers as I seek the Lord in this season. Pray for community, pray for direction in community, and pray for the work that God has in store while I'm at Baan Nam Jai. All I want is to be obedient and to fall more in love with the Lord. Enjoy the photos and please keep in touch....

I leave you with a sonnet by Michael Angelo::
"My unassisted heart is barren clay,
That of its native self can nothing feed:
Of good and pious works Thou art the seed,
That quickens only where Thou sayest it may:
Unless Thou show to us Thine own true way
No man can find it: Father! Thou must lead"

Love you all....and thanks for reading-
Nong Non- Precious little guy (5 months)

hope:: the little fish

Josiah excited about swimming

The girls teaching Alex how to ride a bike :)

Dinner with P'Lut and Plaow

doing some art work for our friend Wah's new cafe
Celebrating P'Supan's daughter's birthday

Meet my friend Psalm and Dylan Wright- I love them!

the Wright family came to visit us- it was lovely

The Baan Nam Jai crew at P'Quan's wedding

Kevin and Quan Butler- 


Robin said...

Thanks of sharing your heart Kyndra. I love the pictures and that sonnet spoke to my heart. Praying for you today. Robin~

brynmj said...

I'm glad you're doing a bit better now and can have a day of rest. Praying for you and it's always fun to see the pictures.